
Wednesday, December 30, 2009

2009: The Year in Review

I don't know if you guys have looked at a calendar recently, but uh, it's almost 2010. Twenty ten! This boggles my mind. So much happened in 2009: I stuck my feet in the Pacific ocean for the first time, I moved in with a boy(!), I caught the canning bug, and boy-oh-boy did we go to a lot of weddings.The end of a year seems like a good time for reflection, so let's take a little peek back and see what we learned this year.

1. People like dessert. This brown butter raspberry tart is my most popular post of the year.

2. Hungry Bruno readers aren't steak people. Flank steak with potato artichoke hash and the big piece of meat I put on top of blue cheese risotto were two of the least popular posts this year.

3. Chips do not have to be made of potatoes. I dare say that kale chips are more addictive than their spud based forebears.

4. Old dogs can learn new tricks. I can learn to love mussels.

5. Patience is a virtue. Homemade vanilla extract takes 3 months. So does homemade cherry liqueur.

6. French toast does not have to be sweet. I like it better with cheese and tomatoes.

7. Leftovers are a good thing. You can slap them on pizza or mix them up with lettuce and call it salad.

And how was your twenty-aught-nine? What did you learn? What was the best thing you ate, and was it something you cooked for yourself?

Here's wishing you and yours a joyful and well fed 2010!


  1. That tart is damn good. I can understand why it was your most popular post!

    2009 was the year I tried my hand at Chinese dumplings (reminding myself of why I prefer to get them as takeout), cooked rabbit, did a ridiculous amount of baking, and discovered O.N.C.E. events.

    I ate a lot of chocolate cake this year, both homemade and purchased. Mmm, cake.

  2. I wanted to make that flank steak, but I never got around to it!

    It's always fun looking back at the year...

    Happy New Year! All the best in 2010!

  3. What a fun little recap. I wasn't following your blog for an entire year, so I need to make sure to save this post so I can make every single one of these. I loved doing my 2009 recap too! I found meals I forgot about, and that's really a shame :)

  4. Great recap! Everything looks amazing. I am quite surprised and interested in your savory french toast. That is a great twist to the traditional sweet french toast!

    Happy New Year!

  5. Happy new year! And I might not have been reading your blog at the time, but I like steak! Actually make that love. I love steak!

  6. ooh, that savory french toast sounds like a fabulous idea!! happy new years :)
