
Monday, January 25, 2016

Meal plan, pre-Whole 30 edition

This is my last week of "normal" eating before I start the whole 30 on Monday! Eek/yay? I don't know how I feel. For Adam's sake I'm rotating in a few of our bean-based favorites since I'm not planning to make them super often in the next month (no beans or legumes allowed!). Here's my meal plan, with notes on how I would adapt to fit W30 rules.

Tonight: bean and cheese burritos. I cooked pinto beans in the Instant Pot yesterday, and there's rice in there now on a timer to be ready when we get home. We'll also add roasted veg since I roasted up a bunch over the weekend. Both rice and beans (and flour tortillas and cheese and sour cream) are out for the whole 30, so if Adam and Josie are having a meal like this I would eat the roasted veg, some sort of cooked ground meat with taco-ish seasonings, and I'd have the whole thing on a pile of greens instead of wrapped in a tortilla. 

Tuesday: green veggie pancakes (frozen from last week), black bean chili from the freezer. I can't have either of those things (pancakes are a no even if made with compliant ingredients) so I'd be eating something entirely different. I plan to make and freeze some pulled chicken and beef burger patties and have sausages available for situations like this. We can all share a side salad or other vegetable.

Wednesday: five spice cabbage and tofu. Adam and Josie would eat the tofu, I'd eat meat instead.

Thursday: lamb chops from the freezer, mystery veg from our CSA, which we get on Wednesday. Totally compliant meal!

Friday: Book club pot luck! My book club group is coming over on Friday night. I'm making a big pot of soup (minestrone? butternut squash? I'm not sure yet) and people are bringing salad, bread, cheese, wine, and some sort of dessert. If I had to guess, none of it will be Whole30 compliant (maybe the salad? and maybe my soup?) but if I were on W30 on Friday I'd make sure my soup was compliant and I'd make deviled eggs, too. 

This has been an interesting exercise, honestly. I might go back to some of my previous meal plans and do the same thing.

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