
Monday, February 1, 2016

Whole 30, week one meal plan

Ahoy, February! Let's set sail on the good ship Whole30, shall we?

This week's meal plan:

Sunday: arrive home from NJ exhausted with cranky toddler. Throw together whatever's in the fridge. Turned out to be butternut squash soup I made for book club last week, plus some of Nonna's macaroni that she made us take home, a few meatballs from the freezer for toddler, and salads for Adam and me.

Monday: pot roast that I made last night in the Instant Pot! Plus roasted sweet potatoes and probably sauteed bok choy? Might make some millet or something for A+J.

Tuesday: Nom Nom Paleo's cracklin' chicken thighs. I cleaned the thighs last night and salted them, so if I get home on the early side I might make them Monday (tonight) instead. If I save them for tomorrow, we'll have them with salad.

Wednesday: tex mex sweet potatoes with seasoned ground beef and guacomole for me, beans and sour cream and cheese for A+J.

Thursday: lamb burgers or meatballs, CSA veggies - whatever get in the box on Wednesday

Friday: Mom and Dad are coming down and bringing chicken and vegetables; I'll add something else tasty TBD.

For lunches I plan to take mostly leftovers, though today I have curried tuna salad, which I made with a grated whole carrot and apple, some raisins, curry powder, and homemade mayonnaise. I stopped for a bell pepper and cucumber to use as dippers/scoops and for crunch factor. Hopefully we'll have enough leftovers, but if not, I can do tuna or egg salad easily. I hard boiled some eggs last night too, thinking Josie might like them for breakfast, but she was being a butt head this morning, so I just sent one in to school with her. Maybe she'll even eat it?

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