We learned that Josie enjoys putting things on her head.

And making other people put things on their own heads.

Like, rather a lot.

It was Christmas! I stayed up till 10:30 finishing a giant stuffed sea monster for Josie.

She was underwhelmed.

Though as of this morning, Nessie is popular.

Also popular: the megabloks Josie was given by the women at Grampy's office. Thanks, Community Pharmacies!

On our tiny Christmas tree, Josie likes pointing out "baby!", an ornament with a baby picture of our nephew Eliot, who is now five!

New Year's Day brunch involved rather a lot of kids this year, including Darth Veda.

Josie got her first hair cut, sob.

And learned to bowl. Thanks to our neighbor Nick for teaching her how to use the kiddie ramp thingy.

Over this weekend, we learned that Josie still doesn't like snow. Better get used to it, though, kid, there's more coming in a couple of days!

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