Summer is truly hitting its stride, now. The markets are full to bursting with fruits and roots and leaves of every color. Last week I had a bunch of bright orange carrots in the fridge and I remembered a quick preparation I had seen in a magazine somewhere recently (I think it was Bon Appetit, again).

I roll cut these carrots because I think it's prettier than straight sided chunks: cut about an inch and a half from the tip of the carrot on a strong bias. Then roll the carrot toward you so the cut side is up and cut again on a strong bias. Roll it again so the cut side is up, and continue.

These roasted carrots were excellent as the only warm component of my favorite kind of meal: a meal of snacks! Well, that is, a meal consisting entirely of "side dish" vegetables. I made some excellent cheese (which we schmeared on a toasted baguette slice with a sprinkle of pepper and a drizzle of olive oil) and a sugar snap and radish salad and we ate outside in the shade. Happy summer, indeed.
Roasted Carrots with Dill
serves 4 as a side
one bunch (8-10 medium) carrots, peeled and cut into chunks
one tablespoon olive oil
salt and pepper
2 tablespoons chopped dill
Preheat the oven to 425. Toss the carrots with the olive oil and season with salt and pepper, you can do this right in the baking dish. Roast until the carrots are tender (a paring knife can be inserted and removed with little to no resistance), 15-20 minutes, then remove from the oven and toss with the dill.
Man, this is exactly what I want: vegetables, vegetables, some more vegetables, and bread and cheese. I may even have both dill and carrots already in the house!