For the salmon, I satueed one large onion, diced, and a sliced clove of garlic in olive oil. I added one bell pepper, sliced, and two large zucchini cut into batons. I added 28 oz of diced tomatoes and let it simmer for a while, then shut it off and let it sit while I went to a toddler birthday party. When we got home I turned the stove back on, added a bunch of green olives and about 12 oz of salmon cut into chunks. Put on the lid and simmer till the fish is cooked. I should have added capers and raisins, but I mostly forgot and was hungry. It was great without them!
The cauliflower I cut off the bottom and took off the leaves, rubbed the whole thing with olive oil and salt, and stuck it in a cast iron skillet. Covered it with foil in a 375 oven for 45 mins, then took the foil off and bumped it to 400. It was browned 45 mins later, approximately, but I think I should have taken the foil of sooner as the inside was a liiiiiittle bit mushy. I look forward to trying it again.

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